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The story of Hud (Heber)

Ceiling with Arches and Glass Items


Hud (Heber) was one of the prophets of Allah who was sent to the people of 'Ad, an ancient Arab tribe who lived in a prosperous and influential city in the Arabian Peninsula. 

According to Islamic tradition, Hud lived about 4,000 years ago and was chosen by Allah to preach His message to the people of 'Ad, who had turned away from the worship of Allah and engaged in wickedness and corruption.

Hud's Mission:

Allah sent Hud to invite the people of 'Ad to abandon their sinful ways and turn towards righteousness, warning them of the consequences of their actions and asking them to repent and seek forgiveness from Allah.

The People of 'Ad:

According to Islamic tradition, the people of 'Ad were a proud and arrogant tribe who had built magnificent structures and amassed great wealth and power. They had turned away from the worship of Allah and engaged in wickedness and corruption, defying the warnings of Hud and the other prophets who had come before him.

Hud's Preaching:

Hud spent many years preaching the message of Allah to the people of 'Ad, urging them to abandon their sinful ways and turn toward righteousness. He warned them of the consequences of their actions and invited them to repent and seek forgiveness from Allah.

The People's Response:

Despite Hud's efforts, the people of 'Ad continued to reject his message and engage in wickedness and corruption. They mocked him, accused him of being a liar and sorcerer, and refused to heed his warnings.

The Punishment:

According to Islamic tradition, Allah sent a fierce wind to punish the people of 'Ad for their wickedness and corruption. The wind raged for seven nights and eight days, destroying everything in its path and leaving the city in ruins.

The Survivors:

According to Islamic tradition, a few believers who had heeded the warnings of Hud and believed in the message of Allah were spared from the punishment and emerged from the city's wreckage.

Hud's Legacy:

The story of Hud is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, and righteousness in the face of great adversity. His message of repentance, renewal, and forgiveness inspires people of all religions and backgrounds, reminding us of the importance of living a life guided by compassion, justice, and trust in Allah.

The Qur'anic Account:

The story of Hud is recounted in the Qur'an, where he is mentioned as one of the prophets of Allah who was sent to his people to invite them to worship Allah and warn them of the consequences of their actions. His story is mentioned in several chapters of the Qur'an, including Surah Hud, named after him.

Hud's Lineage:

According to Islamic tradition, Hud was a descendant of Prophet Nuh (Noah) and was born in the region of 'Ad in the Arabian Peninsula.

Hud's Message:

Hud's message to his people was of repentance, renewal, and forgiveness. He invited them to abandon their sinful ways and turn towards righteousness, warning them of the consequences of their actions and urging them to seek forgiveness from Allah.

Hud's Miracles:

According to Islamic tradition, Hud performed several miracles to prove the truth of his message and the validity of his mission. Among his gifts was the ability to produce water from the barren desert ground and to make trees grow in the arid land.

The People's Arrogance:

Despite Hud's warnings and the signs of Allah's power, the people of 'Ad remained arrogant and refused to heed his message. They mocked him and accused him of being a liar and a sorcerer, rejecting the truth and turning away from the worship of Allah.

The Wind of Punishment:

According to Islamic tradition, Allah sent a fierce wind to punish the people of 'Ad for their arrogance and disobedience. The wind raged for seven nights and eight days, destroying everything in its path and leaving the city in ruins.

Hud's Patience and Perseverance:

Despite the people's rejection of his message and the devastation that befell them, Hud remained patient and steadfast in his mission. He continued to call upon them to repent and seek forgiveness from Allah, reminding them of the power and mercy of Allah.

Hud's Legacy:

The story of Hud serves as a reminder of the importance of faith, righteousness, and humility in the face of adversity. It highlights the dangers of arrogance, disobedience, heedlessness, and the need to heed the warnings of the prophets and messengers of Allah. Hud's message of repentance, renewal, and forgiveness remains relevant and inspiring today, reminding us of the power and beauty of Allah's divine message and mercy.

Historical Context:

According to Islamic tradition, Hud lived then the people of 'Ad had become wealthy and prosperous but had turned away from the worship of Allah and become arrogant and disobedient. They built towering structures and monuments to signify their wealth and power but forgot the source of their blessings and turned to idol worship and other forms of sin.

The 'Ad People:

The people of 'Ad were known for their strength and size and were said to have been able to easily uproot trees and lift large boulders. However, their physical prowess was coupled with arrogance and pride, and they refused to acknowledge the power and authority of Allah.

Hud's Character:

Hud is described in Islamic tradition as a man of great wisdom, patience, and piety. He was known for his gentle manner and compassionate nature and was loved and respected by those who knew him. He was also a man of great courage and determination who was unafraid to stand up for his beliefs and speak the truth, even in the face of opposition and persecution.

Hud's Message of Tawheed:

Hud's central message was the worship of one Allah (Tawheed) and rejecting idol worship and other forms of sin. He reminded the people of 'Ad of the blessings and signs of Allah in their lives and urged them to use their wealth and power for good and to serve the cause of righteousness and justice.

The Punishment of 'Ad:

According to Islamic tradition, the punishment of 'Ad came as a mighty windstorm, which destroyed their homes, uprooted their crops, and left the land barren and desolate. The people of 'Ad were said to have been scattered and dispersed, with many of them perishing in the storm.

Hud's Legacy:

The story of Hud is an essential reminder of the consequences of disobedience and arrogance and the importance of faith and righteousness in the face of adversity. It also highlights the power and mercy of Allah and the need to turn to Him in times of trial and difficulty. Hud's message of tTawheedand repentance remains relevant and inspiring to this day and serves as a reminder of the timeless teachings of Islam.

Hud in the Quran:

Hud is mentioned in the Quran as one of the prophets sent by Allah to guide humanity toward righteousness and truth. He is mentioned explicitly in Surah Hud, the 11th chapter of the Quran. In this chapter, the story of Hud and the people of 'Ad is recounted in detail, along with their rejection of his message and the punishment that befell them.

Hud in Islamic Tradition:

Hud is highly regarded in Islamic tradition as a prophet and messenger of Allah and is honored and respected by Muslims worldwide. His story is often retold as a reminder of the importance of faith, righteousness, and humility and a warning against the dangers of arrogance and disobedience.


The life and teachings of Hud serve as a timeless reminder of the importance of faith, piety, and righteousness in the face of adversity and difficulty. His message of Tawheed and repentance remains relevant and inspiring today and serves as a guidepost for those seeking to live a life of purpose and meaning. May we all strive to emulate the example of Hud and desire to help the cause of truth and justice in all we do.


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