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The Life and Legacy of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS): From Childhood to Building the Kaaba and the Sacrifice of Ismail (AS)

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is one of the most revered Prophets in Islam, and his life story is an example of faith, courage, and devotion to Allah. His story begins from his childhood and continues until his death.

Childhood and Early Life:

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was born in the city of Ur in Babylon, which is now present-day Iraq. His father, Azar, was an idol worshipper, but Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) had a different inclination towards monotheism. From an early age, he showed an interest in finding the true God and understanding the purpose of life.

As Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) grew up, he became more and more disenchanted with the idol worship of his people. He realized that there could only be one true God, and he sought to find Him. He began to study the heavens and the earth, looking for signs of God's presence.

His Call to Prophethood:

One day, when Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was in solitude, he saw a star in the sky and exclaimed, "This is my Lord!" But the star set, and he realized that it was not God. He then saw the moon and declared it as his Lord, but it too disappeared. Finally, he saw the sun and thought that it was the biggest, so he declared it as his Lord. But when the sun set, he realized that it was not God.

In this way, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) realized that the true God was above the stars, moon, and sun. He realized that God was the Creator of everything in the universe, and He was the only one worthy of worship.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) then received a call from Allah, who had chosen him as a Prophet. Allah told him that he had a great mission to fulfill, and he must preach monotheism to his people. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) accepted the call and began his mission.

His Struggle against Idol Worship:

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) preached the message of monotheism to his people, but they did not accept his teachings. They were staunch idol worshippers, and they could not fathom the idea of worshiping only one God. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) tried to reason with them and show them the futility of their beliefs, but they remained stubborn.

One day, when the people of Ur were celebrating a festival, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) went to their temple and smashed all the idols, except for one. He left the largest idol untouched and hung a hatchet around its neck. When the people asked him about it, he told them that the largest idol had destroyed all the smaller idols, so they should ask why it didn't defend itself. The people were stunned by his action, and some of them began to question their beliefs.

Hazrat Ibrahim's Journey:

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) then left Ur and traveled to various places, preaching the message of monotheism. He went to Egypt, where he met the pharaoh, who was known for his tyranny and idol worship. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) performed miracles in front of the pharaoh, but he still refused to accept the message.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) also traveled to Syria, where he met the Prophet Lut (AS). He stayed with Lut (AS) for a while and helped him in preaching monotheism. However, the people of the city were so wicked that Allah decided to destroy it. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Lut (AS) pleaded with Allah to spare the city if there were even a few righteous people in it. But unfortunately, there were none, and the city was destroyed.

The Construction of Kaaba:

After his travels, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) returned to the land of his birth, now known as Mecca. It was a barren desert, with no water or vegetation, but he had been commanded by Allah to build a house of worship there. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) realized that this was the same place where Prophet Adam (AS) had first set foot on earth.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) began to build the Kaaba with the help of his son Ismail (AS). They laid the foundation with stones and mud, and then Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) raised the walls with bricks made of clay. As they worked, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) prayed to Allah to bless their efforts and make the Kaaba a place of worship for all people.

When the Kaaba was complete, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) circumambulated it seven times and prayed to Allah. They were then commanded to announce the Hajj pilgrimage to all people. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was also shown the way to perform the Hajj rites, and these rites have been followed by Muslims ever since.

The Sacrifice of Ismail (AS):

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) had two sons, Ismail (AS) and Ishaq (AS), both of whom were Prophets. One day, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) had a dream in which Allah asked him to sacrifice his son Ismail (AS) as a test of his faith. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) knew that this was a difficult test, but he did not question Allah's command. He told Ismail (AS) about the dream, and Ismail (AS) willingly submitted to the will of Allah.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) took Ismail (AS) to Mount Arafat, where he was to be sacrificed. But just as he was about to slaughter his son, Allah sent a ram in Ismail's (AS) place, and Ismail (AS) was spared. This incident is commemorated by Muslims every year during the Eid al-Adha festival.

Death of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS):

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) lived a long and blessed life, and he continued to preach monotheism until the end of his days. He died at the age of 175, and his legacy continues to inspire Muslims all over the world.

Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) was a man of great faith and courage, and his life story is a testament to the power of monotheism. He never wavered in his belief in Allah, and he was always ready to face any challenge that came his way. His story serves as a reminder that if we have faith in Allah, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things.


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